Friday 30 September 2016


Generally, many do not know all the negative consequences of this beverage which have caused it to our health. Worst of all is that it is in a large amount given to children, which can lead to unexpected consequences.

This “poison” is carbonated soft drinks!
According to scientific research, here’s how it acts in the body:

The first 10 minutes
One cup contains 10 tablespoons of sugar, which is 100% of the daily permissible dose. In the body is entered phosphorus, which strengthens the taste.

After 20 minutes
There is an increase of glucose and insulin, which leads to the conversion of sugar to fat in the liver

After the third 40 minutes
The caffeine in the drink is completely absorbed by the body within a period of 40 minutes. Blood flow increases and the liver begins to produce more sugar in the blood. Your brain begins to block the hormone receptors of adenosine, which prevents the feeling of fatigue.

After 45 minutes
Secretion of dopamine increases, which significantly affects that you feel good and this effect is similar to that which gives heroin.

Around 60 minutes
Magnesium, phosphoric acid, zinc and calcium leads to an increased digestion. This is connected with the massive amounts of sugar and artificial sweeteners, which limit the excretion of calcium through the urine.

After 60 minutes
Diuretic properties of caffeine start to act and all minerals, including magnesium, calcium and zinc, which are useful for the bones, then excreted in urine.

After a little more than an hour
Dissemination of sugar in the body is in the final stage. You feel full of energy and you can expect frequent mood changes.

Together with the carbonated drinks, the body exerts all the water and nutrient particles, necessary for the functioning of the organism.

Finally, the risk of developing diabetes increases significantly.

Thursday 29 September 2016


A lot of women want to get pregnant but can’t for some reason. But with these tips that process is easier.


Our reproductive system is ready to get pregnant only when a good diet is the focus. More alkaline foods increase chances- peas, beans sprouts and milk. Also, for those that like acidic foods, you can increase acidity in uterus and cervical mucus and that is not good, because that kills the sperm so avoid alcohol and tea and even red meats.


Add some multivitamins in the diet and you can conceive easier. The supplement must have folic acid because that prevents defects in the neural tube, while pregnant this should be continued as well, because the baby needs it.


Get checked if you want to conceive, just to be sure to prevent some problems and defects. Also, talk with the doctor if you are on some medications to be sure they are not harmful for the pregnancy.


Of course the most obvious method that increases the chances. Get sex every day or every other day, not just at ovulation.


People think any position gets you pregnant but it is different with each. Missionary is better for sperm being closer to the cervix.


Timing is crucial here. Keep track of it and your body temperature too since that is linked to ovulation days.


The vaginal area is unfriendly for sperm but there are chances for conceiving. Avoid fancy cosmetics and douches, sprays, foams for vagina, also tampons, lubes too.


A lot of studies confirmed how caffeine affects this process negatively, so avoid drinks and foods with caffeine. Alcohol, smoking and drugs are a big NO, they will even cause defects even if you get pregnant.


Have a healthy weight and workout to burn extra fat and increase fertility chances. Obese women have more estrogen and that makes ovulation irregular or inexistent, but also too little weight results again in imbalanced hormones and infertility.


If you are in good mood, you enjoy the sex better and there is less stress. Stress makes ovulation stopped and it will mess your cycles up so you cannot know which days are fertile.

Reverse Cavities And Heal Tooth Decay With These 5 Steps!

Teeth cavities are a type of decay that occurs when bacteria enter and destroy the tooth from inside. People think that tooth decay is irreversible, but the truth is that there are several natural ways to reverse cavities.

According to one study, a healthy diet may be able to reverse tooth decay and cavities. The study examined 62 children with cavities and divided them into 3 groups – the first group ate a standard diet and oatmeal; the second ate a standard diet and vitamin D supplements, while the third was put on a grain-free diet and vitamin D supplements.

The results showed that the first group had an increase in cavities due to the phytic acid in oatmeal, while the second group showed slight improvements. The third groups had the greatest improvements, with nearly all the cavities of the subjects healed.

Many health experts have backed the results of the study and now suggest that a healthy diet can certainly help reverse cavities. While we’ve been led to believe that tooth decay occurs when you eat too much sugar, the study points to many factors. Dr. Edward Mellanby, Dr. Weston Prince and Dr. Ramiel Nagel managed to isolate 4 things that contribute greatly towards tooth decay:

  1. Lack of minerals in the diet;
  2. Lack of fat-soluble vitamins in the diet;
  3. Excess consumption of phytic acid;
  4. Excess sugar consumption.
Natural ways to reverse cavities
  1. Eliminate sugar from your diet
If you want your teeth to be healthy and cavity-free, you need to avoid consuming sugar. It feeds oral bacteria and prevents the healthy flow of dental fluids, eventually allowing decalcification and demineralization of the structural content of teeth.
  1. Consume nutrient-rich foods
Eliminating tooth decay requires consuming more fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. A diet rich in leafy green veggies as well as healthy fat foods (coconut oil, avocado), along with nuts and seeds should create an ideal balance for defeating tooth decay.
  1. Oil pulling
Oil pulling has been used as a successful oral detox procedure for centuries, and it’s very easy to perform – just swish a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes then spit it out. Try with 3-5 minutes in the start, then gradually increase the duration every day. This method can heal anything from gingivitis to headaches.
  1. Eliminate phytic acid from your diet
Phytic acid is a mineral blocker and enzyme inhibitor that’s present in nuts, grains, seeds and beans. It can cause mineral deficiency and osteoporosis, and it will also prevent mineral absorption in the body while leaching minerals from your bones.
  1. Use a mineralizing toothpaste
Fluoride-free toothpastes are expensive, but the good news is that you can make your own toothpaste by mixing the following ingredients:
  • 3 tablespoons of food grade diatomaceous earth clay
  • 1/4 of a teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1/4 of a teaspoon of mint-flavored chlorophyll
  • ¼ of a teaspoon of peppermint extract
  • ½ a teaspoon of coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon of filtered water

Watch the video below for detailed instructions:




Yes, you got that right – you can lose weight, cleanse your body from all toxins and boost your metabolism with this amazing and super healthy drink. And the best thing about this super healthy drink is that it’s all-natural and it’s very simple and easy to make! But, before we show you how to make the most powerful homemade drink, I would like to say a few words about the detox process and what you need to know about it!

Well, I really think that we all know that toxic agents are everywhere in our world.  The food we eat, the air we breathe, the household cleaners we spray, and the electronics we use on a daily basis – they’re loaded with toxic agents and other harmful chemicals. However, toxic free radicals are formed in our bodies as well.  Stress hormones, emotional disturbances, anxiety and negative emotions create free radicals as well.  Living without toxic buildup is virtually impossible, which is why our body has built in mechanisms to deal with toxic overload. 

All experts say that crying, sweating, urination and defecation are all natural protocols employed by the body to clear it-self of toxins.  So, these toxins can be very dangerous for our body and health in general if they are ignored. It’s extremely important to detoxify your body from time to time. You should cleanse your body from all harmful toxins! And after that you will feel refreshed and full of energy! And yes, the cleansing process will also help you lose weight much faster! As we mentioned before, the medical experts say that you should cleanse your body from time to time – it will improve your health in general and prevent many diseases. And you should also know that all detox processes should be followed by a balanced healthy diet, which will provide enough healthy nutrients for your organism.

In this article we are going to show you how to make this super healthy drink, which will speed up the detox process and it will also help you lose weight much faster. Note: you should know that the weekend is the best time to start this detox process. What’s also important during the process is to consume plenty of vegetables and grains abundant in lycopene in order to accelerate the detox process. This homemade recipe is very simple and easy to make. You just have to follow the simple instructions. Here’s what you need to do:
You will need the following ingredients:
  • Celery stalks — 2
  • Chili powder or Hot pepper
  • Grated ginger — 2 tablespoons
  • Half a lemon juice
  • Tomato juice — 1 cup
  1. First, you should add the chili powder or hot peppers, the grated ginger, half a cup of lemon juice and a cup of tomato juice into a blender.
  2. Then, you should blend all the ingredients mentioned above until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  3. And now, you should pour this mixture into a glass jar and add the celery stalks to garnish it.
  4. Note: don’t waste any of this mixture store! If you can’t drink it all at once, you should store it in your refrigerator!
How to use it:
  1. Make sure you drink this super healthy drink every day! You should drink 1 cup of this mixture between meals, 3 times a day!
  2. In just 72 hours you will notice the first results! And trust me, you will be amazed by them!

Note: if you are trying to lose weight and get rid of all toxins and boost your metabolism by consuming this super healthy drink, you should also try and avoid “junk food” as much as possible and consume more raw fruits and vegetables. And yes, drink plenty of water! We really hope you enjoyed this article and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You and take care!

Wednesday 28 September 2016


Sore knees and joints can be for many reasons. Sometimes, in the case of women, it is due to inappropriate use of footwear; in other cases, it is simply over the years and wear of joints and ligaments.

If you personally do not suffer this kind of pain, it is likely that people in our environment may suffer damage; in fact, this condition is quite common.

It is therefore important to know what ingredients from nature must be used to treat painful knees and joints.


This recipe contains anti-inflammatory ingredients that soothe sore knees and joints, but also contains components that will strengthen the ligaments and tendons due to its high content of magnesium, silicon, vitamin C and bromelain.



  • A cup of orange juice 100% natural.
  • A cup of rolled oats.
  • A cup of water.
  • One teaspoon of cinnamon
  • Two cups pineapple, diced.
  • Pure honey bee to taste.
  • Half a cup of crushed almonds.


-Place In a pot oatmeal and water and cook for a few minutes.
-Once Oatmeal is cooked, turn off the heat and let cool.
-Put Oats in blender and add the pineapple, orange juice, almond , cinnamon and honey to taste.
-Licue well, if you can add a little more water to the consistency fits your taste.
cold -Sirva.
Take that beaten daily and check how your tendons, ligaments and joints are strengthened, allowing soothe your annoying pains.


The pineapple has lots of vitamin C, which is essential for strengthening the skeletal system. Also contains bromelain, which acts as antiinflammatory.
Orange, like pineapple, contains vitamin C in abundance, helping to strengthen bones, tendons and ligaments.
Cinnamon has anti – inflammatory effect and improves circulation, which can help the recovery of the knees and joints.
As for oats and almonds provide gan amount of calcium and other minerals, which helps strengthen bones.

Say Goodbye To Underarm Odor Forever With These Amazing Home Remedies!

The excessive sweating and underarm odor is something that everyone wants to prevent. Not only that it is embarrassing, it is very difficult to get under control, as it requires some effort. In case you don’t want to use chemical based products or if you aren’t satisfied by the deodorant you have already used, consider the following very effective natural remedies that can help you eliminate this unpleasant odor.

  1. Baking Soda

If we take into consideration the fact that baking soda is used for removing the odors in the fridge or the laundry, it isn’t surprising that it can help you eliminate the underarm odor as well. It is all natural ingredient and very gentle. Mix a little baking soda and a little cornstarch, and apply this mixture on the underarm area in order to keep your skin dry and fresh the entire day. Use it in accordance to your needs before you get dressed.
  1. Alum
You can eliminate the unpleasant odor right away by rubbing the arms with wet piece of alum.
  1. Stop Shaving
The body hair is there for reason, as it absorbs the moisture responsible for bacteria or underarm odor. Shaving it off creates various problems, such as irritation, because the razor allows bacteria to grow. The same goes for the depilatory creams, shaving creams and other lotions, which also irritate the skin.
  1. Tea Tree Oil
Different skin problems, including the unpleasant odor can be solved with the help of this gentle oil. It is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, and people were fully aware of them for hundreds of years. Make a mixture out of few drops of tea tree oil and some natural rosewater, and then spray it onto the underarm area. This simple trick can help you eliminate the odor instantly.
  1. Natural Soap
Washing the whole body, including the armpit with natural soap can help you eliminate the underarm odor. In case you don’t want to make your own soup (castile soup) look for handmade soup from goat`s milk.
  1. Alcohol
Apart from being used for numerous things, this powerful substance is also helpful in elimination of this unpleasant odor. Opt for odorless alcohol, such as vodka, in order to prevent smelling on alcohol. Spray some alcohol under your arms and remove the odor and bacteria right away. Of course, use it before getting dressed.
  1. Lemon
This citrus fruit can be very helpful when it comes to eliminating both household odors and underarm odor. The secret lies in its ability to balance the pH level of the skin. Just put a lemon slice under the arms, let it stay for fifteen minutes, and stay fresh throughout the day.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
Mix a little water, ACV, and a splash of lemon juice, mix well and transfer the solution in spray bottle. Spray the solution under your arms before getting dressed in the morning. Feel free to carry the bottle at your workplace in case you need to reapply it. The bacteria responsible for the unpleasant odor will be held under control and well balanced with the help of this solution.
  1. Hydrogen Peroxide
Apart from the numerous benefits it provides, the hydrogen peroxide is also an amazing way to eliminate the underarm odor. Just combine hydrogen peroxide with water or natural rose water, and you get an all natural and healthy way of eliminating the odor.
  1. Talc
This mineral can help you solve the problem with underarm odor before it even appears. Just wash the underarms with natural soaps and apply some talc afterwards. A regular re-application prevents bacteria from growing.

Tuesday 27 September 2016


Headache is the most common form of pain. It’s one of the main reason people miss days at work or school or visit the doctor.

In fact, the National Headache Foundation estimates that 28 million Americans suffer from migraines alone.

Because headaches have so many different causes, from the cold to premenstrual syndrome, it can be difficult for sufferers to understand what kind of headache they are experiencing and how to manage their condition.

Types of Headaches

The most common headaches are caused by either vascular problems (high blood pressure, toxic overload, etc.), muscle contractions (tension, stress, etc) and inflammation (infection).

1. TMJ Headache

A TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) headache is caused by problems with the jaw, jaw joint and lower facial muscles. This can be due to teeth grinding or clenching, tension in the jaw, dislocation of the jaw joint and arthritis. This pain doesn’t just occur in the jaw, it can also spread upwards towards the cheeks, temples and ears or downwards to the neck and shoulder.

2. Sinus Headache

As its name implies, a sinus headache occurs when sinuses become inflamed or blocked. This can cause pain behind the cheeks, nose and eyes that gets worse when your bend forward or when you wake up. Common causes include allergic reaction, a tumor, or an infection. Depending on its underlying cause, symptoms can closely resemble those of a migraine.

3. Cluster Headache

A cluster headache is a sharp, very painful headache that occurs on and off several times a day for months followed by headache-free periods lasting up to 6 months. The pain arrives with little warning and typically affects only one side of the head, often accompanied by a bloodshot eye and runny nose. Commonly affected areas include above the eye and near the temples. These headaches typically last less than an hour and came about at the same time everyday.

4. Tension Headache

This type is typically caused by stress and anxiety. As muscles tighten in you shoulders, neck and jaw, the headache tends to cause pressure, pulling and contractions that affect your temples, face and scalp. It can also last between a few minutes to a few days. Triggers include lack of sleep, missed meals, stressful situations, high emotions and alcohol.

5. Neck Headache

Also called a cervicogenic headache, neck headaches don’t actually affect your head. However, even thought the pain occurs in your neck and shoulder blades, you may perceive it as originating in the back of your head or at the base of your skull. The best way to get relief is to fix the underlying cause, whether it’s a pinched nerve, muscle knots, muscles damage, abnormal bone growths, tumours, tissue swelling and joint problems. Relief can be found through massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment.

6. Migraine

Migraines are severe throbbing or a pulsing sensations that are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and noise. These often occur anywhere for minutes to hours at a time. Some people may experience visual hallucinations like an “aura”, dots or flashing lights, disruptions in smell, touch and taste or numbness. After they subside, migraines often leave the sufferer feeling tired or unable to concentrate.

When To Talk To You Doctor

According to the Nation Health Institute, a headache can be a sign of something more serious, such as:
  • Bleeding in the area between the brain and the thin tissue that covers the brain
  • High blood pressure
  • Brain infection, such as meningitis or encephalitis, or abscess
  • Brain tumor
  • Buildup of fluid inside the skull that leads to brain swelling (hydrocephalus)
  • Buildup of pressure inside the skull that appears to be, but is not a tumor (pseudomotor cerebri)
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Sleep apnea
  • Problems with the blood vessels and bleeding in the brain, such as arteriovenous malformation (AVM), brain aneurysm, or stroke
If you experience any of the symptoms listed bellow, seek medical assistance immediately:
  • Your headache comes on suddenly and is explosive or violent.
  • Your headache is “the worst ever,” even if you regularly get headaches.
  • You also have slurred speech, a change in vision, problems moving your arms or legs, loss of balance, confusion, or memory loss with your headache.
  • Your headache gets worse over 24 hours.
  • You also have a fever, stiff neck, nausea, and vomiting with your headache.
  • Your headache occurs with a head injury.
  • Your headache is severe and just in one eye, with redness in that eye.
  • You just started getting headaches, especially if you are older than 50.
  • Your headaches are associated with vision problems, pain while chewing, or weight loss.
  • You have a history of cancer or immune system problem (such as HIV/AIDS) and develop a new headache.

Home Remedies

While most people rely on headache medication to get through a bad migraine, these drugs can actually cause “rebound headaches”, which means that regular use of these medication can actually begin to trigger headaches.
If you suffer from chronic headaches, here are a few natural solutions that will provide you with lasting relief:
  • Himalayan salt
  • Ginger tea
  • Lavender lemonade
  • Vitamin B2
  • Magnesium
You may also benefit from drinking a tall glass of water and resting in a quiet, dark room with a cool cloth on your head.
As far as prevention goes, keep a headache diary to track potential triggers. Make sure to write the time and day when your pain began and ended, what you ate and drank int he 24 hours before your symptoms, how much you slept the night before and what your were doing and thinking when the pain began.This will help you identify you headache patterns and help you manage and predict future headaches.
You may also find it beneficial to consult a doctor, nutritionist or naturopath throughout this process to get more insight on your body and overall health.


This recipe is made to help in the process of reducing cholesterol and also to burn fat in very short time. For the positive effect of the recipe speaks the fact that even doctors recommend it to their patients with high level of cholesterol. All the ingredients in the drink are very healthy and help the body to fight a number of diseases and combined together represent an excellent tool for destruction of cholesterol and fat.
What do you need for preparation?


2 l of filtrated water
2 bunches of parsley
3 lemons
baking soda

Clean the lemon with baking soda to get rid of the impurities.
Firstly boil the water then leave it to cool off.
Chop the leaves of the lemon and chop the parsley, then add it to the water.
Cover the dish and store the drink in the refrigerator.
Stir the drink next day and place it in a jar or bottle.

Drink 100 grams of this healthy drink every day.

This Herb Improves Eyesight Even in People Older Than 70 Years. Solves Problems With the Eyes, Vision and Eye Pressure!

The legend is it that eyebright was called Euphrasia according the Latin name of the Greek migrate Euphrosyini (whose name means joy) because it makes everyone happy as it heals the eyes.
The people also called it “the eyes of the Mother of God” because the centuries-old tradition confirmed that it is ideal natural cure for diseases of the eyes. People use it for thousands of years.
Alchemist Arnoldus Villanovanus dedicated it his eulogy “Vini Euphrasiati tantopere celebrati”, saying that it regained vision for those who have long been without it.
Researcher Hildamus believed that it is able to improve vision even in those older than 70 or 80 years.
Eyebright is still available and effective remedy to all those who are struggling with vision and eye diseases, regardless of whether it is because of ageing, infection or other cause.
Composition and healing properties of the eyebright
Eyebright contains Glycoside rinantin, vitamin C, essential oils, bitter substances and Eufrastan acid. Alternative medicine has recognized it as an eyesight remedy which can relieve eye infections, accelerate the healing, destroy viruses and bacteria in the eyes and relieve eye dryness and pain.
This herb is great for reducing eye pressure and fatigue caused by excessive computer use or smoke-filled rooms. It is a natural substitute for eye drops and other solutions for treating eye problems.
Here’s what eyebright can help with:
  • Eye infection
  • Allergic reactions
  • Iritis (inflammation of the iris)
  • Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid)
  • Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)
  • Inflammation of the tear ducts
  • Short-sightedness
  • Dry eyes and eye fatigue
  • Irritation due to environmental factors or prolonged computer use
  • Glaucoma
Homeopathy uses eyebright in a water solution with eyebright c30 to cure a watery discharge from the eyes accompanied by burning and pain after exposure to light.
Improve your eyesight with tea and compresses
Have the plant’s fresh juice or a dry variant always at home in cases you experience any eye-related problems. Fresh eyebright juice can be a natural substitute for eye drops – you only need to dilute it with distilled water and use two drops per eye.
The dry variant of the plant can be used to prepare tea that can rinse the eye, or it can be used as a compress. Pour 2 dl of boiling water over half a teaspoon of dry eyebright material and let it stay for a couple of minutes, then strain the tea and rinse your eyes with it 2-3 times a day.
The tea can be used for a compress too – keep it on your eyes until you notice the compress is dry. You can leave the compress overnight too, but you must always use fresh tea.
For sensitive eyes, dilute the tea with lukewarm boiled water. To treat extreme infections, mix eyebright with some marigold, chamomile or fennel to reduce the symptoms and recover faster. To strengthen the optic nerve, take a pinch of powdered dry eyebright 1-2 times a day orally or added to soups and drinks.
Compress for treating sty
Pour 250 ml. of boiling water over three tablespoons of dry eyebright material and leave it to stay for ten minutes, then strain the mixture. Wrap the strained eyebright in gauze and place it on the stye, leaving it on for 5-7 minutes. The warmth of the compress will act therapeutically and boost the healing process.
Tea – helps to improve eyesight
Pour 2 dl of boiling water over two teaspoons of dry eyebright and let it stay for fifteen minutes, stirring it from time to time. Strain the mixture in the end.
Drink a cup of the tea three times a day – always make a fresh brew and drink it unsweetened.
Treating other ailments
Eyebright can help with other health problems besides eye-related ailments. It can relieve bronchitis, rhinitis and the flu, and help with other respiratory problems too.
Eyebright relieves stomach pain and digestive problems, while being a great treatment for hay fever allergy as it reduces the eye watering, burning and redness in the eyes.
Eyebright can help you in cases of headaches, insomnia and anxiety, and will also treat nicotine and alcohol poisoning, reducing the harmful effects of the toxins on the body.
Eyebright must be taken in dosages recommended by a professional, and should always be prepared properly. If you’re dealing with severe health problems, consult with your doctor before use.

Oral administration of eyebright should be avoided by pregnant and nursing women, as well as people with gallbladder and acute stomach problems, duodenal ulcers or liver disease.